The Five Balls of Leadership

Key areas to master in order to be a good leader.

It has been many years since we have read any books, listened to any podcasts, or attended any classes or seminars on leadership. Most of what we have learned about leadership has come from following the example of Jesus and studying His Word. We have gained experience as leaders in several different capacities, primarily as parents leading our 14 children. Glenn has been a team leader and project manager and Cristin has been on various volunteer leadership teams. 

We understand leadership is complicated and includes far more than what we focus on here. We have chosen to focus on these 5 balls because we believe they are foundational and key in every area of leadership. We have found that keeping these balls juggled creates a solid foundation upon which to build other necessary skills.


The two-way, free-flowing exchange of thoughts and feelings

Communication is vital in everything and is always a two-way flow. Intended communication at one end must be received by the other. It must also be able to reverse directions. True and valuable communication isn’t complete until all concerned parties have both given and received all of the relevant information.

As a leader, you must be able to clearly communicate your vision, ideas, goals, instructions, and whatevers to those you are leading. You must also be able to listen to their feedback and whatever ideas they have. We realize that not every idea is a good idea, but taking the time to listen and discuss the idea, perhaps gently explaining why it won’t work in the given situation or helping develop it to the point where it will work, will leave the person you are leading feeling heard and valued, which will then increase their loyalty to you and the quality of work they produce.

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