The Five Balls of Employment

Whether you are just starting out, or you are going strong and have a thousand people working for you, the principle remains the same. Discontent and unhealthy employees produce an inferior product, give poor service, and present a negative image that will cost your business. On the other hand, content and healthy employees will produce a quality product, give great service, and present a positive image which will prosper your business. Therefore, for your business to be at its best and most prosperous, create an environment where the people working within it, including yourself, can be content and healthy. We believe the way to create this environment is for you to truly care for your employees. We recognize that every workplace environment is unique, and therefore the specifics of caring for the employees within your environment will also be unique. With that said, we have identified five general principles that can be applied across the board.


To have the backs of those you employ

Loyalty includes faithfulness, trustworthiness, and the willingness to go out of your way and above and beyond the expected on behalf of your employee. Loyalty doesn’t reserve the right to terminate without warning or just cause. It starts at the top. Employees have no reason to be loyal to an employer who is not loyal to them.

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