The Five Balls of Customer Interactions

Keys to caring for your customers.

As participants in this thing we all call life, we experience customer interactions from the vantage point of being the customer. 

As parents, and in other situations where we are working with children, we gain experience delivering goods and services to customers, who are often demanding, grumpy, and very difficult to please.

As business owners making and selling handmade paper crafts, we learned about customer interactions from the vantage point of the ones attempting to make a sale. From this position, we juggled and applied each of the following balls and had many opportunities to turn frowns into smiles, potential customers into actual customers, and one-time customers into faithful regulars. It is our firm belief that as you apply them you will see similar opportunities arise.


Doing the right thing when no one is watching

Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching as well as when everyone is watching. It is being honest in communication even if it means turning someone away because you don’t have or do what they need. It means keeping your word, even if it hurts. It means not leaving out or embellishing any information even if doing so would make the sale more likely.

How best can we serve you?

We look forward to hearing from you and growing to know you and your business/organization.

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